9510 7052

40 Grattan St, Prahran

Fees and charge offsets

We understand that many people in our community are currently experiencing financial stress. For this reason, we make our fees as low as possible and as a not-for-profit Prahran Place’s focus is on building communities not profits!

As a Neighbourhood House we receive various funding streams from the Commonwealth, State and Local Governments that assist people in affording the cost of our classes and activities.

If you meet certain criteria, you can qualify for a concession or reduced fees, as outlined in our course guide.

Available Concessions

Concessions available if you hold any of the following Commonwealth cards:

  • Services Australia Health Care Card, except the Foster Child Health Care Card and Carer Allowance Health Care Card
  • Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Health Care Card – Gold Card
  • Services Australia Pensioner Concession Card
  • DVA Pensioner Concession Card
  • Services Australia Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
  • DVA Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
Learn Local

Prahran Place also provides pre-accredited education to help students gain skills for study, work and life. Most students qualify for this funding (as long as you are a permanent resident or Australian Citizen) which allows you to attend our Learn Local courses at a discounted rate.

Call or email us to make an appointment so our team can talk about your circumstances and see if you qualify for a fee or charge offset.

9510 7052

40 Grattan St, Prahran